3 Common Denture Damages That Require Repairs

Posted on: 11 July 2019

Any dentist will tell you that a good set of teeth makes a world of difference for aesthetics and self-confidence. It is no wonder you will see people with missing teeth smiling less often, and when they do, they use their palms to cover their mouths. Therefore, it is challenging for such individuals to express themselves and enjoy the simple things in life, such as smiling. Not to fret though as dentures -- although not as strong as natural teeth -- are designed to be durable and resemble real teeth.
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Can Diabetes Prevent You From Getting a Dental Implant?

Posted on: 24 June 2019

There are few physical limitations that can prevent someone from being a suitable candidate for receiving dental implants. If a permanent tooth has been lost and a permanent replacement is desired, then the person can go through with the process. A large part of that process is simply waiting. This waiting is required for the site of the implant to heal. It's a multistage process that starts with the insertion of the actual implant into your jaw, which is a titanium bolt.
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What Are the Benefits of Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crowns?

Posted on: 6 February 2019

You may be happy to have a crown fitted onto a problem tooth, but the cost of your treatment may be a problem. You know that choosing a good quality crown is a good investment in the long-term; these crowns tend to last longer than cheaper options. Quality crowns may cost less over the years compared to crowns that need to be replaced more quickly. However, you need to save some money somewhere right now.
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Dentures and Their Advantages

Posted on: 4 January 2019

There are many reasons why one may lose their teeth. Reasons include all types of accidents, diseases and age. Dentures help improve the quality of life for people who have lost all or part of their teeth. Dentures can Help people chew and enjoy their food better. People can lose teeth that are important for chewing and have to resort to softer food, and this can severely affect their quality of life.
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